SDi Welcomes Alicisa King as Senior Accountant
SDi is delighted to welcome our new Senior Accountant, Alicisa King. Alicisa is a graduate from Saint Peter’s College and has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration. She has worked in finance and accounting for over 20 years. “I am grateful to be part of an industry where we get to help customers protect their people and properties,” says Alicisa.
In her free time, Alicisa enjoys spending time with her family, which includes her husband, Rakeen, her son RJ (18) and her daughter, Aniyah (24). Currently, Alicisa’s weekends are filled with basketball tournaments and visiting colleges with her son. Some of Alicisa’s hobbies include cooking, reading, and watching really bad TV.
Welcome, Alicisa! SDi is glad to have you on the team!
January 6, 2023